If caffeine hits our body well, coffee becomes a tonic.
According to the 2014 survey by the Korea Food and Drug Administration, men in the nation have a total of 14.3 times a week, while women are drinking coffee about 9.6 times. The caffeine contained in coffee is known to have excellent levels of stress relief and antioxidant effects. But caffeine
When you become addicted to addictions, you tend to experience side-effects of insomnia, palpitations, and tooth decay.
Coffee Effects on Our Bodies
Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reclassified coffee as a third-generation substance, which has no grounds for doubt. It's been 25 years since we catalogued the coffee into two B-capacity substances in 1991. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said it has been unable to find scientific evidence scientifically, considering the potential of 20 kinds of cancer, including bladder cancer. In the case of cancer and prostate cancer, it is highly likely that moderate amounts of coffee will decrease the risk of developing the disease. Is it okay if Koreans love a cup of coffee and drink a lot?
According to the 2012 report by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, the nation's people spend as much as 300 tons of coffee per day. Students and teens are also exposed to caffeine addiction through high caffeine drinks, as well as coffee. Caffeine is known as a form of nervous stimulant arousal.
There you go. Too much coffee makes you feel overwhelmed by the effects of arousal, palpitations, and diuretic effects. In particular, depending on the degree of age and personal difference in caffeine, the sensitivity of the sensitive person may cause inconvenience to each other. Also, if you overeat excess caffeine, the stomach affects the stomach, intestines, intestines, endocrine glands, and the negative effects of the heart.
I can give it to you. Additionally, there are reports that a large amount of caffeine causes loss of calcium and potassium in the body. In particular, children should be cautioned if excessive caffeine intake can affect growth in growth.
How to drink coffee healthily.
Recently, three to five cups of coffee per day were found to last three to seven years longer. Researchers at Harvard University Graduate School of Public Health tracked a 200-year-old man for 30 years, drinking coffee and reducing the amount of coffee in the body.
I suspect that the mortality rate appears to be falling. Decaffin coffee, which has no caffeine in it, also works.
The coffee beans seem to have beneficial effects on the coffee beans rather than caffeine. In addition, drinking coffee in the American Diet Guidelines Advisory Council also helped reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and Parkinson's disease.
But anything that is too much is unhealthy. Also, drinking coffee, milk, and sugar with coffee can increase calories, which can be harmful to your health.
Note that it is important. In our country, we tend to increase the amount of sugar consumed by processed foods through processed foods rather than sugar. Be careful about the lure of grilled milk or the lure of Latte, which is filled with whipped cream.
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