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페이커 소개 그는 과연 연봉이 30억??

category 시사&상식 2017. 6. 12. 07:17


◇ '페이커' 이상혁(왼쪽)에게 우승 메달을 수여하고 있는 호나우두

축구의 전설인 호나우두와 e스포츠의 전설 '페이커' 이상혁이 만났다

SK텔레콤 T1의 미드 라이너 '페이커' 이상혁이 축구의 전설이라 불리는 호나우두로부터 미드 시즌 인비테이셔널 우승 메달을 수여받았다.

SK텔레콤은 22일(한국 시간) 브라질 리우데자네이루 주네스 아레나에서 열리는 미드 시즌 인비테이셔널 2017(이하 MSI) 결승전에서 G2 e스포츠를 3대1로 제압하면서 우승을 차지했다.

브라질에서 MSI를 개최한 라이엇게임즈는 우승 세리머니를 축구의 전설인 호나우두에게 맡겼다. 현역으로 활동할 당시 브라질에게 월드컵 우승을 두 번이나 안기면서 세계 최고의 선수로 꼽혔던 호나우두는 은퇴 이후 e스포츠에 관심을 갖기 시작했고 브라질 프로게임단인 CNB e스포츠클럽에 투자자로 합류했다.

시상식 행사에서 호나우두는 '래피드스타' 정민성 코치부터 '후니' 허승훈, '뱅' 배준식에게 메달을 걸어준 뒤 '페이커' 이상혁에게 시상하면서 축구 전설과 e스포츠 전설의 만남이 성사됐다.

'롤의 신'에서 이제는
프로게이머들의 위상과 연봉까지 올려버린 페이커,
과연 30억이 가능했던 이유는 무엇일까요?

1. 롤 게임구단 운영을 통한 홍보효과

기업들이 홍보를 위해 연간 엄청난 금액을 쏟아붇는 것은 다들 아실거에요
특히 큰 기업일수록 그 규모는 점점 커지죠
그러나 각 분야 엘리트들이 투입되어 많은 예산을 쏟아부어도
언제나 그만큼의 홍보효과를 얻는 것은 아닌데요
슼은 t1 게임구단을 운영하며 한해에만, 토탈아니고 2016 올해에만!
약 250억원의 이득을 얻었다고 하네요

게임구단 운영자체가 홍보효과가 될 수 있는데
거기에 롤드컵 3승 우승까지 하는 팀이니 그도 그럴 수 밖에요.
따라서 슼에서는 t1의 부진을 막기위해서 누구보다 간절할 수 밖에 없었죠
페이커 뿐만 아니라 다른 선수들도
타 구단대비 2.5배 이상 높은 연봉을 받을 수 있도록 책정했다고 하니
요즘 전반적으로 치솟는 LCK선수들의 연봉을 생각하면
skt t1이 정말 e스포츠 산업에 과감하게 투자하고 있다고 봐야해요
올해 이전에도 연간 20~30억정도는 투자하고 있었다고 하네요

아무래도 대기업에서 운영하다 보니 복지도 체계적인데요
연봉뿐만 아니라 선수들의 개인 심리상담, 미래설계, 건강관리도 해주고
의식주도 다 해결되어서 페이커는 한달 용돈이 1만원 이하라고해요
그의 통장은 아버지께서 관리 해 주시고요

2. e스포츠시장의 세계화와 급성장

더이상 e스포츠는 일부 매니아들의 전유물이 아니에요
최근 중국 쑤닝그룹에서 롱주를 인수한 것은 다 아실텐데요
지금 중국은 e스포츠 시장 크기가 31조원을 넘어섰고
전 세계적으로 규모가 올라가고 있어
4년 내에는 NBA를 넘어선다고 하네요
이미 해외 명문 축구단에서도 게임구단을 만들고 있는 추세구요

이러한 트렌드에 한국도 결코 뒤쳐지지는 않고 있어요
정부에서도 e스포츠를 적극적으로 육성하고자 하는 의지가 강한 상태인데
사실 이 선두에 페이커라는 선수가 서서 큰 역할을 하고있죠
게임한류를 주도하고 있기도 하구요
따라서 한국연맹이나 구단 입장에서는 페이커라는 대물을 놓치는것은
당연히 30억을 훨씬 넘어선 손해라고 생각했을거에요
그렇기에 그동안 다른 스포츠에 비해 적은 연봉을 받아오던 e스포츠에
이토록 과감한 투자를 할 수 있었겠죠
이제 페이커를 시작으로
다른 국내선수들의 평균적인 연봉도 많이 올라갈 것으로 예측되네요

This is a Korean name; the family name is Lee.
Lee Sang-hyeok (Korean: 이상혁, born May 7, 1996), known by his in-game name Faker (Korean: 페이커), is a South Korean professional League of Legends player. Formerly known as "GoJeonPa" (Korean: 고전파) on the Korean server, he was picked up by SK Telecom in 2013 and is currently the mid laner for SK Telecom T1, which competes in the League of Legends Champions Korea.

Faker is renowned for his high mechanical skill at the game and is considered by many to be the best League of Legends player of all time. Faker is renowned for having a huge champion pool and able to play any champion at the top professional level. He is best known for playing LeBlanc, Zed, Orianna, Ahri and Ryze.He is consistently ranked number one by analysts and is often referred to as the "God" of League of Legends.

He is one of only two players, along with a former teammate Bengi, to have won the League of Legends World Championship three times, having done so in the 2013, 2015 and 2016 seasons. He has also won the All-Star Paris 2014, Mid-Season Invitational tournament in 2016, Mid-Season Invitational tournament in 2017 and IEM World Championship 2016. As of the end of October 2016, Faker has won $896,596 in prize money, and is ranked #29 in prize money won across all esports.

This is a Korean name; the family name is Lee.
Lee Sang-hyeok (Korean: 이상혁, born May 7, 1996), known by his in-game name Faker (Korean: 페이커), is a South Korean professional League of Legends player. Formerly known as "GoJeonPa" (Korean: 고전파) on the Korean server, he was picked up by SK Telecom in 2013 and is currently the mid laner for SK Telecom T1, which competes in the League of Legends Champions Korea.

Faker is renowned for his high mechanical skill at the game and is considered by many to be the best League of Legends player of all time. Faker is renowned for having a huge champion pool and able to play any champion at the top professional level. He is best known for playing LeBlanc, Zed, Orianna, Ahri and Ryze.He is consistently ranked number one by analysts and is often referred to as the "God" of League of Legends.

He is one of only two players, along with a former teammate Bengi, to have won the League of Legends World Championship three times, having done so in the 2013, 2015 and 2016 seasons. He has also won the All-Star Paris 2014, Mid-Season Invitational tournament in 2016, Mid-Season Invitational tournament in 2017 and IEM World Championship 2016. As of the end of October 2016, Faker has won $896,596 in prize money, and is ranked #29 in prize money won across all esports.

Season 3 Edit
Faker was picked up by SK Telecom T1 K in 2013 as their starting mid laner. SKT T1 K dominated the Korean scene and in October 2013 Faker led them to win their first League of Legends World Championship.

Season 4 Edit
In 2014, SKT merged their 2 teams, SKT K and SKT S. Faker remained the mid laner for the consolidated SKT T1. Throughout 2014, SKT T1 struggled and they failed to qualify for League of Legends World Championship 2014.

Season 5 Edit
Between season 4 and 5, many top Korean LoL players, including the entire world champion team, Samsung Galaxy, left South Korea to play on Chinese LoL teams for higher salaries. Faker on the other hand, declined an offer of over $1,000,000 by a Chinese team, preferring to stay in Korea on SKT. In November 2014 it was reported that Faker had declined contract offers from several Chinese companies including one offer of ₩500 million for streaming.[5] Gu "Imp" Seung-bin, from Samsung Galaxy, reported in a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) that his salary in China was larger than $200,000 a year.[citation needed] If this remains true, then it is speculated that Faker might be making notably more than any of the offers from Chinese teams. It is speculated Faker has made more than $1,000,000 in his pro-gaming career.

Throughout 2015, Faker shared the mid lane position with Lee "Easyhoon" Ji-hoon. Depending on the team composition the team wanted to play, either one of the players could be substituted into the game. Faker had many notable performances in the LCK such as a pentakill against NaJin e-mFire.[6] SKT ended the summer split in first place and advanced to the world championship.

In the 2015 World Championship, he and his team won while only dropping one game in the finals for a record of 15–1 throughout the series.[7]

Season 6 Edit
Faker and his team started off the 2016 Season by winning the LoL Champions Korea Spring Split. By winning the 2016 LCK Spring Split, SKT T1 was guaranteed a place in the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational.[8] At that point in time MSI was also the only major tournament they had yet to win. They were heavily favored coming into the tournament, but were initially unable to perform up to their usual standards, unexpectedly losing several games in the group stages. However, they managed to turn things around during the elimination round and eventually clinched the title by sweeping the North American team, Counter Logic Gaming, in the finals.[9]

SKT placed third in the 2016 Summer League of Legends Champions Korea, but still qualified for the 2016 League of Legends World Championship through circuit points. The team swept through the group stage into the playoff round. In semi-finals they defeated the ROX Tigers in a close 3-2 series. In the finals they defeated Samsung Galaxy in another close 3-2 series, winning their third world championship title. Faker was voted as the Most Valuable Player of the tournament.[10]

Season 7 Edit
Faker renewed his contract with SK Telecom T1 with an "unprecedented offer" [11]which was rumored to be over $2.5 million USD.

On 6th February 2017, Faker recorded his first livestream on Twitch.tv and recorded a peak views at 245,100, setting the record for most views for a single streamer in the history of the site.

2013 Republic of Korea e-sports destination League of Legends Most Valuable Player Award
Pandora TV Champions League of Legends Winter 2013-2014 Best Player Award
Pandora TV Winter Champions League of Legends 2013 to 2014 KDA Mid 1st Division
Hot Six League of Legends Champions Summer 2013 Best Player Award
Hot Six League of Legends Champions Summer 2013 KDA Mid 1st Division
2015 Republic of Korea e-sports destination of Legends League Most Valuable Player Award
2015 Republic of Korea e-sports destination of Legends League Popularity Award
2015 Republic of Korea e-sports destination of Legends League this year's Grand Prize
2016 World Championship Most Valuable Player

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